One of the top diving spots on Curacao
A small beach located right next to a couple of large hotels, f.e. Breezers Curacao.It is highly popular with locals because it is free and located near some large residential areas. Most tourists come here for one reason though, diving!. This beach provides you with access to one of the top diving spots on Curacao which is the unique Car Pile Is free and has plenty of parking spots available to load off your diving equipment. Weekends can be crowded though. Features a great restaurant named “Sea Side Terrace”. Can be VERY crowded in the weekends. From this beach you can dive to the car pile. This is a place where cars have been dumped in the ’60 to create an artificial reef. All the cars that you will see here are old-timers (’40)
Lion’s Dive & Beach Resort
By far the sportiest hotel on Curacao and it’s superb location makes it a perfect launch point for discovering some of Caribbean’s best kept secrets.