Archive: January 7th, 2021

How do you prevent Zika on Curacao

How do you prevent Zika on Curacao

How do you prevent Zika on Curacao? Prevention is better than cure. Preventing the propagation of mosquitoes can best prevent the Zika virus. Therefore, look around your house or stay for places ...

Zika en Curacao

Zika en Curacao

Zika and Curacao The world is fairly captivated by the rapidly spreading virus Zika in Latin America. In the meantime cases have also been reported on Curacao. But what exactly does the virus entail ...

Car Rental Agencies on Curacao

Car Rental Agencies on Curacao

Car Rental Agencies on Curacao Curacao has many Carrental Agencies due to the huge amount of tourists visiting Curacao each week. Also you will need a rentalcar to see anything more than your ...

Wakeboarding on Curacao

Wakeboarding on Curacao

Wakeboarding on Curacao Wakeboarding is not hard to learn on Curacao. It will give you adrenaline for sure! In this video you see someone who had only a few days practice wakeboarding. Check what ...

This is Otrobanda in Willemstad

This is Otrobanda in Willemstad

This is Otrobanda Otrobanda is one of the historically important quarters of Willemstad, the capital of Curaçao. Otrobanda litteraly translates into ‘the other side’, of Punda in this case. Unesco ...

Sea turtles on Curacao

Discover the Beauty of Curaçao with the Full-Day Snorkel West Trip

Sea Turtles watching on Curacao There are many species of sea turtles in the waters around Curacao and Klein Curacao. It really is a special experience to be able to snorkel and swim with them. ...

Curacao National Anthem

Curacao National Anthem

Curacao National Anthem Translated Although Curacao is part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands the island has the status of a Country. This is not the same for all other islands within the kingdom ...

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