
The Curaçao Museum

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This unique museum, the oldest still running museum of Curacao, is located in the old military hospital dating from 1853. The monumental building was given its new museum function by dr. Chris J.H. Engels and his father-in-law Rudolf F.W. Boskaljon. Together with the community of Curacao, who helped raise 80.000 guilders for the acquisition of the inventory, The Curacao Museum could officialy open its doors on March 7th, 1948. The museum collection is a combination of objects dating from the 18th to 21st century. Highlights are the various paintings by renowned local and international artists; Curacao furniture of the 18th and 19th century; the cockpit of the SNIP, KLM’s first airplane to cross the ocean from The Netherlands to Curacao; the traditional Curacao kitchen; the Carillon dating from 1951; and a sculpture garden with statues by local artists as Yubi Kirindongo, Hortence Brouwn, Nel Simon, Philippe Zanolino, Vincent Pieter Semeyn Esser, Gabrielle de Saint Denis and others. The collection of the Curacao Museum also contains artworks by Suzanne Perlman, Jean Girigori,Nel Simon,J.M. Capricorne, Lucila Engels-Boskaljon, Enrique Olario and Miss Lee Hodge.

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