Bella Italia a piece of Italy in the Caribbean. Daily Home made Gelato & Pizza.
We are pleased to introduce to you the first and real artiginale Italian gelato in Curacao. Gelati Bella Italia is Curacao’s only real Italian Gelato parlor and services over 50 flavors daily. Gelati Bella Italia, is known for their fresh roasted coffee. We roast the coffee to the perfect blend. As part of our concept, the coffee beans are roasted weekly to give the client the fresh taste of a good italian caffĆ©.
CuraƧao Royal Trip
The best way to know an island is by immersing yourself with local people. On this tour you will enjoy all the colorful architecture, you will get the chance to taste a delicious arepāi pampuna (local pumpkin pancake) Our knowledgeable guides will share the history and stories behind each stop, giving you a deeper understanding of the island’s culture.