To start with. A place require a prior reservation. Which we have done accordingly. Upon arrival we were suggested to take one among two available tables. We have happily chosen one that suited us best, sat down and started to scroll the menu to see what we would eat that night.
5 minutes later a waitress approached us. We thought to take our order. Hell no dear friends! They asked us to relocate to a different table because a group of 4 came after us and according to a waitress our table was the only one to be able to accommodate a group of 4. HORECA rule "First come - first serve" hasn't been heard in this place apparently. Moreover, we have been relocated to the EXACT same table just closer to the cafe entrance and missing one chair (a.k.a. add one chair and it will also fit a group of 4). After I asked if the option to add a chair to that table to sit that group at that table had ever visited a mind of a waitress I was flooded with meaningless excuses. Bs like an extra chair would be too much into a walking pass (it would not since the main passage was on the other side of table).
Do you think this is a not dramatic enough ending for such a low score review? Buckle up and enjoy the ride. Keep you hands, feet and toxic comments within this thread please.
So we have ordered 3 rolls, wakame salad, miso soup, 4 pieces of sashimi (this will be the next topic of our discussion with a mandatory test at the end), beer and a glass of wine (please keep in mind the order amount and size, it will play a significant role at the end).
As we ordered sashimi we went for something exotic to us: 2 pcs red snapper, 2 pcs crab. Each at a totally not extreme overprice of $4.70 per piece.
As a name suggests crab sashimi should look like this (pic. #1 attached). They brought us 2 crab sticks (pic. #2 attached).
$4.70 crab stick Carl! Are they made of mermaid's best friend Sebastian crab or what? $2 a pack of crab sticks in any supermarket. $4.70/piece in this place. God help me with basic math.
With all fairness sashimi crab stick do exist. But that's where the truth is: it's called sashimi CRAB STICK (and not a sashimi crab as a menu position suggests).
At the end the pricing in this place is also far from being called adequate. Remember I asked you keep a track of amount and positions we ordered? You'd guess between $60-70 like in any decent sushi place you had eaten before? Right?
You are wrong again my friends. Not gonna tell you the exact price we paid for ethical reasons. Nevertheless bravely multiply above mentioned numbers by 2 and you won't be far off.
To sugarcoat a bit all this parade of nonsense the food was actually tasty. Not a bad sushi at all, fresh fish and rather quick service.
But all this musical chair nonsense (disrespecting your clients preferences and choices), wrong naming on the menu leading to extreme overpricing, confusion and frustration among asian food knowledgeable clients, and potentially a general pricing/quality/quantity should take a big review to make this place be recommendable to go.
I will not suggest this place to visit unless you have a life or death craving for sushi and ready to spend a fortune on a crab stick.
Sincerely yours.