I was disappointed by this experience. I was hoping for a day of relaxing at the pool of a cool beach club, ordering cocktails and snacks from the comfort of our pool loungers... We rented a Cabana at the pool and expected the same vibe from other guests there considering that they charge to use the pool here. The pool, however, turned out to being used by beach goers as a place to drop their kids while they would relax at the beach unbothered by their children. I counted 8 actual guests at the pool and 15 to 20 kids jumping and splashing in the Ocean club pool, making it impossible to even scroll on your phone without getting it wet. I may be wrong, but looking at the way the pool was being used, I doubt that the kids were paid guests.
I have nothing against kids in a pool, but I do believe it would be better to manage expectations of guests you are trying to attract to a facility. If this is the intended demographic, that is fine, but it would not be what I am looking for in a cool adult Beach or Ocean club setting. If it is to be an Ocean club setting, then they may want to revise the setup.
Service wasn't great, having to hunt and waive down the waiters instead of being checked on periodically. I'm not blaming this entirely on the staff, as clearly most of the guests present weren't necessarily interested in ordering food and/or cocktails... Disappointing nevertheless.
Finally, and considering the considerable number of really young, mostly unattended, kids in the pool, I would suggest getting a life guard. I was horrified to see a baby not even 2 years old under the care of 5 and 6 year old siblings repeatedly going under water and swallowing substantial amounts of water as this happened. I ended up keeping an eye on the kids instead of relaxing at the pool and eventually asked the kids to take me to their mother on the beach to tell her that I was affraid her daughter would drown in the pool if no one would look after her.
I had reserved the pool Cabana from 10:00 to 18:00 but ended up leaving at 15:00 in order to find somewhere else to relax on my birthday.
I received an email asking to review my experience later that they, which I did. I did not get a reaction.